Baskets of clean laundry (thank you girlfriend) just waiting to be put away... |
Last night I was laying in bed thinking, "I'm happy... why was I trying to change again?"
This is the way that I sabotage myself almost any time I try to do something new for myself... like diet ;) but I checked my blog this morning and there it was. Somebody telling me my goals were good and attainable! which lead me to ask myself, "Why not keep going?"
So, it's the morning of day 2 and I am dressed.
I want to explain the purpose of my specific goals and my plan of execution for some of them (because I don't have a plan for all of them yet)...
First off, my goals are not listed in order of priority.
1. Go outside more often:
On an average day I spend zero time outside. In fact the time I do occasionally spend outside is spent walking out to the jeep when we have to go somewhere... not exactly what I would call a nature walk.
2. Watch less TV:
What did you think I was doing with all that inside time? That's right, sitting on the couch for between 10 and 12 hours a day watching TV. Yesterday I decided that watching pointless YouTube videos and patrolling Facebook are the same as vegging out in front of the TV.
3. Write:
I do not have a job. I stay at home with my girlfriend all day watching five of our seven kids and growing the seventh. I am certified as a nurse aide and spent about two years working in a nursing home but it isn't my calling. What I want to be is an author, preferably of fiction, preferably one that gets paid. BUT alas I don't write. I sent no time writing in the last year and you just cannot be a writer if you don't write. (To be fair, last year I did right a particularly saucy blog anonymously but it only really lasted about six months.)
4. Get dressed every day:
As a primarily indoor person who watches TV all day there isn't much need for being dressed, so I skipped it altogether unless I had to go somewhere. On top of that, I don't actually have friends who I see on any sort of regular basis, and no family in the area. I hang around in whatever I slept in until it gets wet from a spill or I start to feel gross (Which is quite rare for me).
5. Clean the house:
What amount of cleaning gets done in tandem with the sitting on the couch watching TV...?
You guessed it, none. My girlfriend does the laundry and 80% of the cooking. My husband, my boyfriend, and my father in law try to keep the dishes done and take the trash out. I did mention there are 5 kids currently in the house... it can get pretty messy. No one person keeps our house pristine, so nobody gets mad at me for not helping. It doesn't create tension in the house. Plus, I manage the house's budget which has its own stress and has become my role. BUT as the person I want to become... cleaning the house is just part of it.
6. Be clean:
You don't even want to know the truth.
Longest time I have gone without showering: 1 month
Average time I go without showering: 1 week
Showering/bathing never became one of my habits. As a child, I wasn't expected to bathe... and then as an adult I just haven't taken the initiative to take care of myself. The smell? I don't notice it. My hair? A ponytail or bun can hide a lot when you aren't going anywhere anyway. I didn't shower before or after work most days. Sweat doesn't make me want to shower. Sex doesn't make me want to shower. Clearly this is unhealthy thinking, so "be clean" makes the goals list quite easily. I didn't shower today but I did shower yesterday and I still feel clean.
7. Get up when I wake up:
My husband works nights and gets home around 8 or 9 am (he has to walk home). My boyfriend goes to work between 6 and 7 am. The older three kids get on the bus right around 7 am. This means My girlfriend gets up to help the kids get ready and puts them on the bus. She then stays up with the younger two kids who are both 4 to make sure they don't get into anything and to make them breakfast. My husband gets home and is wide awake so he lets her take a nap. I wake up around 11 am. I'm not sure if this goal is phrased correctly but my point is this: if I wake up naturally I should just get up. My girlfriend wouldn't be alone in the morning and I would be sleeping less. I oversleep when I am depressed AND too much sleeping can make me depressed (something I've learned over the years).
8. Drink water:
Between soda and tea and being too lazy to get up and get something to drink when I'm thirsty, I end up being quite dehydrated. Water is healthy, I want to be a well hydrated person. That being said, I am not banning soda or tea. I drink less soda than almost everyone else in the house, but tea isn't much better, particularly when you factor in that I drink sweet tea.
9. Be less lazy:
This one seems so easy to people who aren't as lazy or as used to being lazy as me. "Just do it" they will say... but you have to realize that I have been lazy for the greater part of 26 years. "Just do it" is just as much like saying "just stop smoking, today, cold turkey"... not so easy. What do I mean when I say lazy? OK, in the past week I have gotten myself something to eat 2 times TOTAL. I have gotten myself something to drink 1 time maybe 2. Things I have accomplished in the last 7 days: I washed the dogs with flea soap, I showered once or twice, I started a blog, I read two pages of a book, I wrote a budget, I hmm can't think of anything else besides watched TV. I mean that as literally as I can get across to you. Just do... is a habit, one that I don't have. I want to but my habits include "I can do it later" and "would you mind doing that for me?"... the cycle has to end somewhere. I honestly view this goal as the most difficult one to accomplish.
10. Do 1 nice thing for my spouses every day:
This goes along with the "person I want to be" idea. You may have noticed things in my house are a little more lopsided than they need to be. And yet they all still love me very much. I am nice to all of them every day and we talk through our problems. Overall we have a really good relationship. BUT I love them and I want to be the kind of wife and girlfriend that is sweet and kind to her spouses. So the goal is really this, I want to intentionally do something nice for each specific one of my significant others each day. The key word there: INTENTIONAL... that means if I say yes to something they ask me to do: doesn't count. If I just happen to have done something I know they like... i.e. brought my girlfriend's computer in the bedroom at the end of the night... just because I remembered to: doesn't count. It has to be something like: brushed my girlfriend's hair, made her something to eat without her asking, brought her a fresh coke, let her sleep in one morning. OR rubbed my boyfriend's back or feet after work, made him something to eat when he says he is hungry, made sure he has clean jeans for work the next day, get up with him in the morning just to see him off. OR make coffee one morning for my husband and have it hot when he gets home, turn on his favorite video game and hand him the controller without complaining (BTW grand theft auto's save options SUCK), rub my husbands feet after work, make time for his boring work stories with a smile... etc you get the idea.
Are my goals difficult? maybe you already do most of this... but yes they are a challenge for me. A challenge I want to overcome and one that I am going to try to accomplish.