Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the facebook
not a person was posting, not even myself.
The stores were all stocking for Christmas with care
in hopes that the people soon would buy there.
The ornaments were hung all snug on their hooks
while visions of turkeys were fast overlooked,
and you with your memes and me with my sarcasm
had settled on Christmas with great enthusiasm,
when out of the blue there arose such a flutter.
I sprang from my holly to see what was the matter.
Away to the yard I flew in a flash,
tore open the door and it slammed with a smash.
The sun shining bright on the leaves below
gave tint to the day of harvest aglow,
when what did appear at the end of my journey
but a great big fat turkey
with an ear of corn in one hand quite essential
to know in that moment I'd forgot something special.
More gobbely than beagles his courses they came.
He whistled and shouted and called them by name,
"Green beans and potatoes mashed and with gravy,
olives and stuffing, casserole and cranberry!
To the top of the stove now cook away all!
Now cook away, bake away, fry away all!"
As leaves flew wild in a hurricane unkempt
I went back inside to try and attempt.
I drew up the page with my hands at the ready.
There it was in my mind, memories aplenty.
I wrote and I posted more thankful than ever
to remind all the people of the bird with the feather.
They'd skipped something special to be grateful for
and I laughed when I finished in spite of my report.
Stock in the pot and sage scenting the air.
The pies oh the pies do I even dare
to make more than two
with gusto I do.
Away Christmas flew back out of November.
I sprang to remember to post my reminder.
I exclaim so now I need you to listen,
on Thanks Giving day that turkey will glisten.